Monday, October 6, 2008

Mini and 'wee' Mini...

I knit these mini sox because the Grand Poobah had made me a little wooden key ring in the shape of a sox. I had always been meaning to knit a sox for it, and you know winter is coming...and I didn't want those wooden tootsies to get cold!!
I knit the little one on the left first. I used #000 needles and followed the 'Socknitters Mini-Sock' formula by Linda Nelson. I used a few yards of leftover Opal 'Neon'. It was a wee bit too small so I went up a needle size and used #oo. It fit perfectly. Consequently the Grand Poobah had to make me another keyring for the wee sox (hee hee).
Can I just say we must have too much time on our hands!!!!
Happy knitting.


Lou said...

Those are TOO CUTE!

Can't wait to see them in person.

Love ya!

silfert said...

I would have to say that you do "bootie"-ful work!

Jackie said...

O sooo cute !

Isnt it cool to carry of these key chain, espically a knitter.