Monday, April 30, 2007

And you think you can knit!!!!!!

Soooo, whatever possessed me to think I could knit..I'm working on Lou's sox (just a plain old K3P2, in "Lion Brand" magic stripe). I'm doing these with fairly coarse yarn and Sz#3 DP's so you'd think picking up a stitch in the gap wouldn't show or be a problem.....well guess what, the only thing I'm producing is a gaping (expletive) hole! Now I am quite patient and I've maybe redone this bit 5 times but it's still there (another expletive) this time I'm throwing it out the door and hoping it flies over the trees....bye, bye sox!!!!!
I've just been to the sockapalooza site and everyone seems gifted and talented even folks who have been knitting a short time....I hope I indicated I was a beginner knitter...but maybe I was feeling overly confident that day!!! (Agggrrrrr) Some people have received info about their sox pal...can't wait for mine.
Happy knitting,

1 comment:

Lou said...

I'm sure they look great and I hope they land square on my doorstep after you throw them. Make sure you eat a heaping bowl of GrapeNuts that day! :)